Sunday, August 18, 2013



Amaranthus blitium and A. Triclolor are mostly grown in south India. The tender fresh green leaves are rich source or calcium, iron and vitamin A and C. The soft fibrous matter provides the roughage in the diet. The dieticians recommended daily consumption of atleast 116g of leafy vegetables for balanced diet.

Amaranthus is a warm season crop, good quality crop is produced in summer. A tricolor can be grown in summer and kharif season. This plant is taller with thick stems and larger leaves.
Loose and friable soils with high organic matter are most ideal for an early and heavy yield. Thr crop cannot withstand water logging. The crop goes to seeding under drought conditions.

There are two varieties based on leaft colour i.e. green leaf and red leaf. The improved varieties are Co-1 (A.dubius); Co-2 (A.tricolor); Co-3 (A.tristis); choti chaulai (A.blitum) and badi chaulai(A.tricolor).
Seeds and Sowing

About 2-3 kg seed is required to sow one hectare. The seed sowing is done by broadcast after mixing equal quantity of fine sand for uniform distribution. Give light irrigation immediately after sowing, if the soil is dry. Seed sowing in ridges and furrows will facilitate weeding and manuring practice.
Manures and Fertilizers

Small quantity of Ammonium sulphate is applied in the beds as basal dose. Foliar spray of one per cent urea after two weeks of sowing will increase the leaf yield. 50 kg. of Nitrogen, 50 kg Phosphorus and 20 kg of Potash per hectare is recommended.

In sandy soils 4-5 days irrigation frequency is maintained in summer season, while in rainy season the irrigation frequency is based on soil moisture level.
In sandy soils 4-5 days irrigation frequency is maintained in summer season, while in rainy season the irrigation frequency is based on soil moisture level.

(Spinacia Sp.)


This crop can withstand frost and tolerate warm weather but high temperature leads to early bolting without giving sufficient cuttings. It performs well during winter months. During hot weather leaves pass edible stage quickly.
Palak can be grown in any type of soil having sufficient fertility and proper drainage system, but does best in sandy loam soil.


It is a small leaved, uniformly green, tender leaves and gives about 6-7 cuttings in 15-20 days intervals with an average yield of 125 q/ha.

It is a gaint leaved strain evolved at I.A.R.I.It has thick tender succulent leaf with late bolting qualities. Plants are vigorous, quick growing and regenerate quickly after each cutting. It gives 6 to 8 cuttings with average yield of 450q/ha.

It produces uniform green, large, thick succulent, tender leaves with strong flavour. It is a prolific yielder and yields about 29.6 q/ha. This variety can be successfully grown in soil even at pH 10.
Seeds and Sowing

About 30kg seed is required to sow one hectare. Sowing in winter in flat beds of convenient shape and size. But in kharif it is normally sown on ridges and furrows. As this crop cannot withstand water logging conditions, fresh seed has a dormancy period of 6-8 months. It is always better to use the previous year seed.
Manures and Fertilizers

As Palak is a leafy vegetable it requires more Nitrogen for crown growth. Apply 30 tons of farmyard manure, 20 kg Nitrogen 40 kg Phosphorus, 20 kg Potash/ha is applied as basal dose and 30 kg Nitrogen in the form of urea as foliar spray starting from first cutting.

Since the crop duration is short, keep the soil loose and friable and free from weeds.

Leafy vegetables need more the water for good growth and quality leaf production . Therefore assure good water supply at regular intervals based on soil moisture. Excessive irrigation leads to certain pests and diseases.
The leaves are cut from the base when they are 20-25 cm long depending on harvest tender and succulent leaves only, the cutting interval is generally 10 to 15 days, with an average yield of fresh green leaves of 8-10 tons/ha. Pusa Jyothi gives about 25% higher yield.  

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