Sunday, August 18, 2013

(Ipomea batatas L)
In Andhra Pradesh it is cultivated in an area of 2,888 hectares mainly in Visakhapatnam, East Godavari, Guntur, Nellore and Telangana areas. It is mainly cultivated for vegetable purpose. In addition it is also utilised as animal feed and also for the preparation of starch and alcohol.


It is a tropical crop and require plenty of sunshine and moderate rainfall with cool nights and days for the growth
The main season for sweet potato is Rabi (October- November) but can also be grown in kharif (June-July) and summer (February- March).

Well drained light loams are best suited. Rich soils, heavily manured soils tend to produce much vegetation at the expenses of tuber formation. A soil pH of 5.6 -6.6 is preferred.

Samrat (S-30)

The tubers are white with pink streaks and can be cultivated in all the three seasons of the year with an yield potential of 15-20 tons/ha in a period of 120 -135 days.

This variety released by APAU, Tubers are orange in colour with greyish streaks High yielder of Medium duration ( 120 -days) can be cultivated round the year, moderately tolerant to sweet potato weevil and yields 18-20 tons/ha.

White skinned short duration type can be cultivated through out the year, with an yield potential of 15-17 tons/ha.

Semi matured vine cuttings are utilized for commercial propagation. Small tubers can also be used for raising nursery.
Preparatory Cultivation

Plough the land 4-5 times to get fine tilth. If ploughed deep, there is a tendency for the roots to grow deeper. Therefore deep ploughing is avoided, plots of covenient size are being formed and separated by irrigation channels.
Seeds and Sowing

30-40 cm long cuttings preferably from the top with 5-6 leave intact is selected. The cuttings are planted vertically by pushing atleast 2-3 nodes in the soil at a distance of 60 x 20 cm in the flat beds. A nursery of 20-25 cents is sufficient to plant one ha.
Manures and Fertilzers

Apply 10-15 tons of FYM/ha. Incorporate 60 kg of P2o5 in the soil as basal dose. 60 kg/ha each of N and K2o is applied in two split doses at 30th and 60th day after planting.

Two to three weedings and light hoeing may be given at 15-20 days after planting. Occasional lifting of vines and gently turning them is necessary to break and disconnect the roots formed at their nodes 45 and 75 days after planting.

Irrigate at weekly interval in the early growth period and increase the frequency at the time of tuner formation (60 to 90 days after planting) Later on irrigation at 10 -15 days interval should be given.
Plant Protection

SWEET POTATO WEEVIL (cyclas formicarius)

This is the only important pest. Apply carbaryl 20 to 25 kg/ha (5% dust) before planting. Avoid using infected vines. Dipping of vines before planting in 0.5% fenitrothion for 5 minutes. Spray fenitrothion 0.1% (2 ml/lit) at 15 days interval Adopt crop rotation.
Harvesting and Post-harvest Technology

The crop will be ready for harvest in about 4 to 4 months after planting as indicated by yellowing of leaves. Do not keep the mature tuber in the soil longer than necessary as they would be severely affected by weevils. Cut the vines and lift the tuber with crow bar or pickaxe. In light soil, plough with country plough and collect the tubers. The tubers are cleaned and send to the market. The tubers can also be stored under the shade for 15-20 days without getting sprouts.  
(Daucus carota L)

Carrot is an important root vegetable commonly grown in the State. It is rich in vitamin 'A" and some of the major minerals.


Well drained deep loamy soils are best suited for its cultivation.

Pusa Kesar, Nantes Half long, Giant Chanteney, Early Gem.

Seeds and Sowing
5 kg of seed per hectare may be dibbled at a spacing of 30 cm X 5 cm.

Manures and Fertilizers
Apply farmyard manure at the rate of 25 tons/hectare in the last ploughing and incorporate it in the soil. Nitrogen 50 kg/ha, Phosphorus 40 kg/ha, Potash 50 kg/ha.
Nitrogen is applied in two split doses i.e 25 kg N ones with last ploughing as basal dose and remaining 25kg 'N' next 6 weeks after sowing as top dressing. All P2o5 and K2o as basal.

Irrigate the field once in 7-10 days depending upon soil type and weather conditions. Keep the land free from weeds .

Plant Protection

Leaf hopper, Weevil and Aphids.

Leaf spot, Blight and powdery mildew.

Spray Schedule
Spray the crop with 20 ml Malthion or 40 g Carbaryl` with 24 g to control the leaf hoppers, weevils and aphids. Wettable sulphur and 30g Copper-oxy chloride in 10 litres of water 4 weeks after sowing. About 360 lit of spray mixture is required per hectare, for the control of leaf spot, blight and powdery mildew.
Repeat the same spray 7 weeks and 10 weeks after sowing. Use about 450 and 540 lit of spray mixtures per hectare respectively.

Harvest and Yield
The crop will be ready for harvest in about 3 months About 20,000 kg tubers may be expected from one hectare.
(Brassica oleracea L. Var-Capitata)

In Andhra Pradesh cultivating in an area of 581 ha.

The cabbage thrives in a relatively cool moist climate. It is grown mainly as a winter crop. Yields good between the day minimum temperature 5 to 30 degrees centigrade.

Early crop August- September. Late crop September-October.

It is grown under varied soil conditions. Sandy loam soils considered best for early crop. But where a higher yield is the main criterion, clay or silt loam soil is preferred. It does not grow well in highly acidic soils. The optimum pH range for cabbage is between 5.5 and 6.5.


Head compact and round(Ball head) early variety. Crops in 60-65 days. Small and compact in habit, stem is short with few outer leaves cup shaped.

Heads are flat, big in size, early sowing variety. Crops in 60-70 days.

Heads big sized round shaped. Weighing 1.5 to 2.0 kg Comes to harvest with 60-80 days. Early cropping variety.

S1 hybrid. Head compact and hard. Self life more crops in 85-90 days.

Curds are compact, flat in its middle. Mid season variety

Head big in size, round, comes to harvest with in 100-200 days.

Seeds and Sowing
700-800g of seed is required to transplant one hectare or a nursery raised in 100 sq meters with a seed rate of 700-800g will be sufficient to transplant one hectare. Treat the seed with thiram 3 g/kg of seed. Plough the soil 4-5 times to get a fine tilth . Apply 5-6 tons of farmyard manure in 100sq meters area and incorporate it in the soil. Prepare raised nursery beds (10 15cm height) with 4 meters length and 1 meter width. Mix the seed with sand or compost and then sow the seed uniformly on the nursery bed. Then cover the seed bed with dry leaves, to avoid shifting of the seeds from one place to another while giving irrigation.
Remove all the dried material from the nursery bed, alter plant attains 1cm height with 2-3 leaves . Drench the soil with 0.2% copper fungicide as against the diseases. Spray malathion @ 2 1/2 ml/lit of water to control leaf eating caterpillar.

Plough the land 4 to 5 times till to get a fine tilth, 10-15 days before transplanting of seedlings. Prepare furrows and ridges at 60cm distance for long duration varieties and 45 cm for short duration varieties. Plant to plant distance 45cm and then transplant 25-30 days old seedlings.

Manures and Fertilizers

Apply farmyard manure @ 40-50 tons/ha, 150-200kg/ha superphosphate and 100 kg/ha muriate of potash in the last puddle and incorporate in the soil.

Apply 60-80 kg N/ha in three equal split doses i.e first dose 25-30 days after transplanting. Irrigate the crop immediately after fertilizer application.

The plants will establish within 15 days . Weeding and hoeing should be done once within 20-25 days after transplanting. Deep hoeing should be avoided.

Irrigate the soil whenever the top soil moisture finds dried up upto 5-6 cm depth. Light soils weekly once, heavy soils 10 days interval irrigate the crop.

Plant Protection
Same as in Cabbage and Cauliflower.


DIMOND BACK MOTH(plutella xylostella)
Caterpillars feed on under surface of leaves and bite holes on leaves and cause serious damage. Affected leaves present a withered appearance. In severe cases the leaves are skeletoised.

Spray malathion 0.1% (2ml/lit of water ) or 50WP carbarlyl 0.15% (3 g/lit of water ) or 40EC monocrotophos 0.04%(1.0 ml/lit of water) or 35 EC endosulfan 0.05%(1.5 ml/lit of water) or 50 EC fenetrothion 0.05% (1.0 ml/lit of water).

CABBAGE BORER (Hellula undailis)

The larva webs the leaves or bore into stem, stalk or leaf veins and cause damage by making the produce unfit for consumption. They also bore into the cabbage head.
Spray Malathion 0.1% (2 ml/lit of water) or Carbaryl 0.16% ( 3 g/lit or water) or Endosulfan 0.05% (1.5 ml/lit of water).

MUSTARD SAWFLY(Athalia lugens proxima)
Grubs alone are destructive . They bite holes into leaves and prefer young growth, leaves are skeletonised completely Heavy defoliation takes place in severe cases.

Spray Dimethoate 0.06% (2 ml/lit of water) or Endosulfan 0.07% 2ml/lit of water.

PAINTED BUG (Bagrada cruciferarum)
Both nymphs and adults suck the sap from leaves, shoots, resulting into wilting and affect the vigor of the plant.

Spray Malathion 0.1% (2 ml/lit of water) or 30 EC Dimethoate 0.06%( 2ml/lit of water) or 35 EC Phosalone 0.05%(1.5 ml/lit of water).

LEAF WEBBER(Crocidolomia binotalis)
Leaves are skeletonized by the larvae which remain on the under surface of leaves in webs and feed on them. They also attach flower buds and pods.

Spray Monocrotophos 0.04%(1.0 ml/lit of water) or Malathion 0.1% (2 ml/lit of water)

Larva bite holes and cause severe damage by skeletonising the leaves.

Spray application of Endosulfan 0.07%(2 ml/lit) or Quinalphos 0.05%(2ml/lit)

APHIDS(Brevicclvne brassicae; Lipaphis erysimi)
They suck the sap from the under surface of leaves and cause damage.

Spray malathion 0.1% @ 2ml/lit of water, or dimethoate 0.06% 2ml/lit of water.

TOBACCO CATERPILLER(Spodoptera litura)
Caterpillars are active during night time and feed on leaves and fresh growth. Young caterpillars skeletonise the tender leaves. Later broad leaves are completely eaten.

a) Before head formation spray 100 EC phosphamidon 0.05%(1.5 ml/lit of water) or endosulfan 0.05%(1.5 ml/lit of water) or carbaryl 0.15%( 3 g/lit or water)
b) After head formation spray malathion 0.05% or carbaryl 0.15%(2 ml/lit of water)


BACTERIAL BLOCKROT(Xanthomonas camperstris)
Blighting of leaves from margin to midrib in 'V' shape and blackening of vascular bundles are the main symptoms of this disease.

Seed treatment with hot water 50-52degrees centigrade for 20 minutes or soaking in streptocycline(100ppm) for 2 hours effectively control the disease under field conditions, rouge out infected plants and drenching the soil with Formalin(1 part in 250 parts of water) is also effective.

WHITE RUST(Albugo candida)
Located white rust like pustules are seen on leaves and stems. When fully developed these pustules have a powdery consistency and hypertrophy or stems and flowering parts takes place.

Spray Dithane M-45 0.2% at 10-14 days intervals or 2 to 3 sprays of 0.4% Blitox or any other copper oxychloride preparation at 10 days interval after disease appearance.

CULB ROT(Plasmodiphora brassical)
Roots enlarge to form "Clubs"(Spindle shaped). This is followed by secondary invasion of soft rot bacteria forming materials toxic to plant and finally wilting takes place.

Avoid infected fields. Treat the seedlings with Mercuric chloride solution (1: 1500) at the rate of 125ml per 100 seedlings at the time of transplanting.

DAMPING OFF( Pythium spp., Rhizoctonia spp.)
Stem of seedlings softened at the ground level, due to infection, the infected plants collapse and finally die.

Treating seeds with thiram 2-3 g/kg sees. Drench seedlings in nursery beds with caption (1:1500) in water.

Physiological Disorders

BROWNING(Brown Rot or Red Rot)
This is caused by boron deficiency. The trouble first appears as water soaked areas change into a rusty brown color. Browning is associated with hollow stems, other symptoms are changes in color of foliage, thickening, brittleness and downward curling of older leaves.
Application of borox at the rate of 10-15 kg/ha on acid soils controls browning. On alkaline and neutral soils larger quantity should be used.

Development of small heads or buttons is called buttoning Deficiency of nitrogen is main cause of bottoning. So care should be taken in selection of the suitable varieties in the season and timely application of nitrogen.

Blind cauliflower plants are those without terminal buds .The leaves which develop are large thick, leathery, dark green . Blindness is due to low temperature when the plants are small or injury by insects and pests.

It is harvested when the head is of suitable size, firm but tender. In case of delaying of harvest protect the heads from sunlight by covering the heads in the lower leaves. Yield 10,000-15,000 kg/ha.
(Brassica oleracea l. Var-botrytis)

Cauliflower is an important water vegetables and a good source of Vitamin-C.

It requires cool temperature and is mainly grown in winter season and to some extent in later part of the rainy season i.e. from August-September and main season varieties during October-November.
Early and mid season varieties can be grown during later half of rainy season i.e. from August -September and main season varieties during October-November.
Well drained loamy soils are best suited. The soils should be fertile, rich in nutrients, hold adequate soil moisture with good drainage and plenty of organic matter. Acidic and ill drained soils are not suitable.


Early varieties suitable for planting early in the season. Crops in about 90-100 days. Medium sized stem. Leaves are bluish color, not incurred and at curding stage seen above the ground. Curds small to medium, compact and white.


Early variety crops in 90-100 days. Medium sized, Leaves are greyish green, curds are medium, compact white, 15 tons of curds per hectare.


Mid season variety, crops in 90-95 days. Plants are tall with longish stem. Leaves are not curved, curds are medium to large, compact and white when first formed, soon becoming loose and yellowish when harvesting is delayed


Variety suitable for October-November plantings in the season. Crops in 100-120 days. Leaves are greyish green and incurved. Curds are medium, compact white.

Seeds and Sowing

Seeds of 700-800g sown in 100sq meters area will be sufficient to transplant in one hectare area. 600-800g for early varieties and 400-500g for late varieties. To prevent seed borne disease treat the seed with Agroson at the rate of 3 g per kg of seed.

Plough the soil 4 to 5 times to get a fine tilth. Apply 5-6 tons of farmyard manure in 10 0 sq. Meter area and incorporate in the soil. Prepare raised seed beds of 10-15 cm height from the ground level with 4 meters length and 1 meter width. Mix the seed with thin sand or FYM and sow the seeds on the on the nursery bed uniformly and thinly. Cover the seeds with dried leaves. Due to this covering, seeds will not be gathered at one place while sprinkling water. Irrigate daily till the seeds germinate. Remove the dried leaves/ material after the plants attain 1 cm height with 2-3 leaves. Drench the soil twice with 0.2% Fungi copper to prevent diseases. Spray malathion at the rate of 2 1/2 ml/lit of water to control the leaf eating caterpillars.


Prior to transplanting plough the soil 4-5 times till a fine tilth is obtained. Incorporate 40-50 tons of farmyard manure in the last ploughing and form ridges at 60cm distance.
The seedlings of 25-30 days old are used for transplanting . Early varieties are transplanted at 45 X 45 cm while late varieties are planted at 60 X 40 cm spacing.
Manures and Fertilizers

Apply super phosphate 150-200 kg/hectare and muriate of potash 100 kg/hectare in the last ploughing as a basal dose.
Then apply 60-80 kg of Nitrogen/hectare in three uniform split doses, first dose at 30-40 days after transplanting, 2nd dose 50-60 days after transplanting and 3rd dose75-80 days after transplanting.
Generally Boron deficiency is noticed which can be rectified by spraying 0.3 to 0.4% boric acid in two sprays 1)Above two weeks after transplanting 2) Two weeks before head formation

Plants will be established well within 15 days, weeding and hoeing and earthing up operations should be taken up twice on 25th and 50th day after transplanting. Deep hoeing should be avoided. To obtain perfect white heads, it is necessary to exclude the sun light to the growing heads. It is done by bringing the outer leaves up over head and tying them with a twine or a coloured rubber band. By using a different colour twine or rubber band each day, it will be easy at the time of harvest to select those tied earliest.

Irrigate the crop whenever the top soil upto 5-6 cm depth finds dried up. Irrigating once in a week in light soils and at 10 day interval in heavy soils is good.
Plant protection
See as in cabbage

It is harvested when the curds attain a proper size and before they begin to discolour.
(Pisum sativum L.)

Peas are highly nutritive and a high percentage of protein, carbohydrates and vitamins and proportion of mineral matter.
Season and Climate

The peas is cool season crop and as such it should grown in the plains only in winter season. This is possible only in our State in Deccan plateau of Telangana region where the minimum temperature during winter ranges between 10-17degrees centigrade for over 30-35 days. Hot weather upsets pod setting and lowers the quality of pods. Peas grow best in those areas where there is slow transformation of cool weather to warm weather in spring.
Well drained loamy soils are desirable All soils except those having very high pH and alkalinity are suitable.

Early varieties


It is an early variety crops in 55-60 days. Peduncles bear usually white flowers. Pod 6-7 cm long, long green, well filled and sweet.

A wrinkle seeded high yielding dwarf variety, takes 60 days to be ready for green pod harvest.

Smooth seeded variety suitable for early takes 60-65 days to be ready for green pod harvest.
Medium duration varieties

Mid - season variety, crops in 70 -80 days. Medium tall in habit, peduncles usually bear white bear white flowers. Pods well file, 8 cm long and sweet in taste. Pods and foliage are light green in Color. Seed wrinkled, takes 85 days to be ready for green pod harvest.

It is a mid season variety. Medium tall in habit, peduncles usaually bear white flowers. Pods well fille, 8 cm long and sweet in taste. Pods and foilage are light green in color. Seed wrinkled, takes 85 days to ready for green pod harvest.
Late maturing varieties

NP-29, Tall plants, wrinkle seeded, takes 100 days to harvest.
Seeds and Sowing

The long duration varieties may be spaced at 45cm x 20cm in the line with a seed rate of 80-90 kg/ha. Short duration types can be grown at 30cm x 15cm with a seed rate of 100-120kg/ha.
Sowing can be started from 15th October to 15th November, towards the end of December when the temperatures begin to rise at pod setting and the pods become less sweet and develop slight bitterness resulting in poor quality. Through ploughing bring the soil into aggregate structure is necessary. In the last ploughing well decomposed faryard manure to an extent of 20 tons per hectare may be applied. The crop can be grown in beds and channels. A thorough preparation of soil is necessary for perfect germination. Uneven germination of seed results in variation in maturity at harvest
Seed Treatment

To control root diseases and mildews treat the seed with 1 gm Bavistin/kg of seed.
Manures and Fertilizers

Peas do not require heavy Nitrogenous fertilizers as they are legumes. However, a starter dose of 25kg of Nitrogen, 70 kg P2O5 and 150 kg K2O/ha at the time of sowing in beneficial. This is to be applied after the soil is prepared and seeds sown. Phosphorus and potash increase the nitrogen fixation capacity of peas crop.

1 or 2 hoeings can be given to put down weed growth. They begin to flower from 30-35 days. Pods are ready for picking from 45th day to 75th day.

Irrigate the field before sowing of seeds. Irrigate every 10-15 days. Especially flowering, fruit setting stages one or two irrigations improves the crop yield.
Plant Protection

Name of the Pests/Diseases Symptoms of damage Control measures

Gram pod border
Heliothis armegera
Eats the tender foliage, later they bore into the pods. Spray Endosulfan 0.07% @ 2ml/lit or Monocrotophos 0.5% @ 1.5ml/lit
Pod borer
(kayatoluchu purugu)
Etiella zinckenella
They initially feed inside the developing seeds, but later instars feed freely inside the pods. The partly grown caterpillar may Leave the original pod and penetrate one or More fresh pods before reaching maturity. -do-
(penu banka)
Acythosiphon pisum
Aphis craccivora
Nymphs and adults suck the sap from tender leaves and shoots resulting into attack of saprophytic the fungus, ultimately leading to devitalization of plants. Spray Monocrotophos 0.05% @ 1.5 ml/lit or Phosphamidon 0.5% @ 0.5 ml/lit 0r Dimethoate 0.06% @ 2ml/ Lit or Malathion 0.1% @ 2ml/lit.
(Deepapu purugu)
Amrasca bigutella
Suck the sap and devitalise the plant. Plant turns yellowish. Spray Monocrotophos 0.05% @ 1.5 v ml/lit or Phosphamidon 0.05% @ 0.5 ml/lit or Dimethoate 0.06% @ 2ml/ lit or Malathion 0.1% @ 2ml/lit.

Damping off or seeding
(Kullu Tegulu)
Pythium spp.
Pre-emergence and post-emergence damping off seedlings is very common and in severe cases fibrous roots are also infected. Treat seeds with Thiram 2-3 g/kg seed.
Downy mildew
(Majjiga Tegulu)
(Erysiphe polygoni
White, cottony growth is seen on the lower surface of leaflets. In advanced stages white powdery growth is seen on leaves stems and pods. Spray Dithane M-45 0.2% @ 2 g/lit of water or Maneb 0.2% @ 2 g/lit water.
Mosaic Virus
(Verri Tegulu)
Clearing of veins followed by chlorosis or severe yellowing of the leaves with numerous dark green areas dispersed over the leaflets. Grow resistant varieties.
(Endu tegulu)
Fusarium oxysporum f.
Yellowing of leaves which wilt and die. infected roots become brown and rot. The Late sowing and using resistant Varieties is found to be effective.  
(Phaseolus vuigaris L)


French Beans can be grown throughout the year in cold temperature regions. It is sensitive to both frost and very high temperatures. It is mostly grown in winter in our State.
October to January
In hilly regions: March to May.

Beans are grown on all types of soils from light sandy to heavy clay. Fertile loamy soils are preferred.


Crops early in 50-55 days, bushy habit, Flower color pale purple turning white, bears profusely, pods round and thick dark green, stringless, long curved at the tip. Some pods may become purple or bear purple streaks as they mature. Seeds light brown comparatively resistant to mosaic and powdery mildew.

Heavy yielder, fleshy-walled pods with less fibre. Crops early, pods, are green in color.

Released by IIHR. It is an early variety bushy habit, bears profusely. Pods are straight, tender fleshy, dark green, stringless excellent for transplantation, yields 18-20 tons/ha.

It is mutant variety released by IARI. Pods are fleshly dark green . Early variety with light cream colored seeds.

Early Variety Crops in about 45-50 days. Bushy in habit . Fruits are flat, fleshy, light green in color. Seeds are dark brown in color.
Seeds and Sowing

About 25 to 30 kg of seed is required per hectare. Plough the land thoroughly to a fine tilth. The seeds are dibbled on the ridges at a distance of 30-35 cm between the row and 25 -30cm with in the rows i.e. from plant to plant, see that the soil should have optimum moisture content at the time of sowing of seeds.
Manures and Fertilizers

Apply 20-25 tons of farmyard manure per hectare and incorporate and incorporate it in the soil and then apply 20kg Nitrogen; 50kg P2O5 and 50 kg K2o per hectare in the last ploughing, one week earlier Before dibbling of the seeds.

If beans are being sown in a field for the first time, it is advisable to inoculate the seed with nitrogen fixing bacteria before sowing. This helps in pick nodulation on the roots and fixes the atmospheric nitrogen.

There should not be any weeds in the field . 1 or 2 hand hoeings are necessary to control the weeds. di-nitro materials are sprayed on the soil at 5 - 8 k.g per hectare before flowering .

Irragate the crop when the top soil goes dry up to a depth of 5 - 8 cm. The plants shallow-rooted and sensitive to excess watering . Good crops can be produced with little moisture applied during the season. Application of water just prior to blooming; however, help in setting pods and another irrigation should be given soon after pod set. An additional irrigation is given when needed . It is essential to maintain required soil moisture above 50 per cent during flowering and pod development stage.
Plant protection:

Major insects Agronnomyzid fly Aphid, Mites, and Pod borer.
Major diseases: Yellow mosaic Anthracnose,Phytopthora pod rot , Rust and Angular leaf spot.
Spray Schedule

  1. Spray the crop with 5 ml phosphomidon or 17 ml dimethoate or 17ml Oxydemeton methyl or monocrotophos with 30g copper oxychloride or 27 g difoltan in 10 litres of water 2 weeks after sowing. Use 360 litres of spray mixture per hectare.
  2. Repeat the same spray 5 weeks after sowing. Use about 450 litres of spray mixture per hectare.
  3. Spray the crop with 30 g copper oxychloride or 27g. Difoltan in 10 of litres of water, 7 weeks, after sowing. Use 540 litres of spray mixture per hectare.
  4. Spray the crop with 40g carbaryl or 20ml malathion or 10ml methyl parathion in 10 litres of water if pod borer damage is noticed. Use 540 litres of spray mixture per hectare.

Green pods are usually harvested before they are fully grown and while the seeds are tender. Pods are usually ready for harvest 2-3 weeks after the first blossom. Yield of green pods varies from 6-8 tons/ha
(Dolichos lablab L.)

The common bean is one of the most ancient among the cultivated plants. This bean is used both as green pods and dry beans as a pulse crop.
There are two types of common beans, the bushy field type and the twining-pole garden type. There is a great range of varieties with different plants and pod characters grown all over the country.
Garden Type


A vine variety, bears early , long and thin pods in bunches. Suitable for both early-spring and autumn crops.


It is a short duration (115-120 days) variety, comes to flowering in 45 days. It bears tender pods which are fleshy and tasty with no odour. The pods are long , short beaked, tubular, non-septate, slightly curved. Average yield is 45q/ha.

It is a compact, bushy variety. Pods are light green, fleshy, flat and 8-9 cm long. Seeds are bold and chocolate colored, Average yield is 75 q/ha.

It is a bushy ,erect and photo insensitive variety. It comes to flowering in 40days.Pods are greenish, white, tubular, and curved. Average yield is 72 q/ha.

Besides the above, several local varieties like Bhadrachalam variety, Rajolu Chikkudu, Balalji Bean etc, are commonly grown in our State.
Sowing Time
Sowing is usually done with the onset of south west monsoon in July-July.
Seed rate

45-60 g/ha. Of seed is used for drilling depending on the type of crop grown.

Pure crop 60x15 cm.

Mixed crop 90x15 cm.

When it is sown as a mixed crop in sorghum or bajra, it is drilled at regular intervals of two rows and when the ear heads of cereals are cut, late as the bean is, it twines on the sorghum/bajra stalks, flowers profusely in Novmber-December and gives a crop both green and dry.

The pods are harvested in January-February at 7-10 days intervals for green pods seed or dry seed the pods are left till maturity and thrshed to gather seed .It vines when cut with sorghum/bajra straw gives a mixed feed of good fodder value.

The yield of dry seed varies between 200-500 kg/ha. Depending on mixed or pure crop.
Sowing Time
June-July is the best period.
Seed rate

5-7 kg/ha.

Seeds are sown in circular pits of 0.5 m cube , two to three seeds are dibbled in each pit. Since the cultivated strains are vine types, they need to be trained on trallies.
Manures and Fertilizers

The soil in the pits are mixed with 10-15 kg of FYM and 0.2 kg of super phosphate in each pit at the time of flowering and irrigate.

The vines come to flowering in November-December three to four weeks after flowering the tender pods are picked for vegetable purpose, at regular intervals of 7-10 days. The pickings may continue up to end of March.
Plant Protection

Same as in french bean.

50-75 q/ha.  
(Cucurbitaceous Sp.)

The important cucurbit vegetables grown in Andhra Pradesh are Bottle gourd(Anapakaya) Pumpkin(Gummadikaya) Snake gourd(Potlakaya) Ridge gourd(Beerakaya) Bitter gourd(kakarakaya) Cucumber(Dosakaya) Ash gourd(Boodidha gummadi), covering in area of 4,000 hectares.
Climate and Soils

These crops are generally grown in hot and warm weather and have almost similar cultural requirements. It can be grown on varied types of soils, garden lands or light loamy soil with good water holding capacity is more suitable for obtaining higher yields.

Bottle gourd

Bitter gourd                            June-July and December-January
Pumpkin                                 May-July and December-January
Snake gourd
Ridge gourd                           June-August and December-February
Ash gourd         June - July, December - January



Pusa Summer Prolific Long, Pusa Summer Prolific Round, Pusa Manjari(Hybrid) Pusa Meghadoot(Hybrid) and Arka Bahar, APAU-LS-21(Rajendra)

Pusa Do Mausami, Coimbathore Long-Arka Harit, Pusa,Vivek, UK 1-priya.

Jagtial Long , Pusa Nasdar, Coimbatore Long, Co-1.

Jyothirmal, Japanese Long Green, Straight Eight, Sanyoue, Pusa sanyog(F, Hybrid)

Pusa Chikini

Sweta, Co-1
Arka Sheetal
In all other gourds types may be grown.
Seeds and Sowing

Irrigation channel of 60cm wide is prepared, sowing is done on either side of the channel and seed pits are prepared on the upper side of each ridge. Each pit prepared is about 15-20 cm wide and is filled with FYM and about 50-100 of superphosphate. Then space between rows is as follows:
For all these gourds, about 3-5 seeds are dibbled in 45x45x45 cm pit at 1 to 2 cm deep. Give a light irrigation. Seeds germinate in 3-7 days. Keep 1 to 2 vigorous plants per basin.

Between rows
in Meters
Between plants
in Meters
Bitter Gourd and Cucumber 1.0-2.0 0.60-0.90
Ridge Gourd 1.0-2.0 0.60-0.90
Bottle Gourd 3.0 0.75-.90
Pumpking 3.0 0.75-.90
Snake Gourd On pendal only
Manures and Fertilizers

Add 15 to 20 tons of FYM/ha and mix well in the soil before planting P2O5 40-50 kg/ha may be applied as a basal dose. Apply 80-100kg of Nitrogen/ha in two equal doses, first 25-30 days after sowing and the second 50days after sowing. The fertilizer should not be applied close to the plant Irrigation immediately after fertilizer application.

Weeds should be removed frequently, one or two light hoeings around the plants are to be given after 2 to 3 irrigations.

Irrigate when the top 3 to 5 cm of the all soil goes dry in the basins and see that the water should not stagnate near the plants for long time.
Cucumber, pumpkin, ash gourd ridge gourd do not need any staking. The vines may be trailed either on pandal or on brush wood. Snake gourd should are trailed either on pandal or on brush wood. Snake gourd should be trailed on pandal as otherwise the fruits do not grow longer.

Plant Protection

Name of the Pests/Diseases Symptoms of damage Control measures

Pumpkin beetles
(Gummadi Penku Purugu)
Aulacophora spp.
Grubs damage the plants by boring into roots. Beetle injure the cotyledons flowers and foliage by biting holes. Dust carbaryl 5% or spary Methyl parathion 50EC (0.05% 1ml/lit) or Dimethoate 0.06%(2ml/lit) orMalathion 0.1%(2ml/lit water).Dusting the plants with ash Temporarily repels the beetles.
Snake gourd semilooper
(Potlaku Purugu)
Phusia peponis
Defoliates the plants Spray endosulphan 0.07% at the rate of 2ml/lit. Or Monocrotophos at 0.04% v 0.05%(2ml/lit).

Downy mildew
Purple spots appear on lower surface an yellow spots on upper surface of leaves. Fruits do not mature. Spray Dithane Z-78 0.2% at the rate of 2g/lit or Dithane M-45 0.3% at the Rate of 3 g/lit of water.
Powdery mildew
(Budida Tegulu)
Erysiphe cichoracearum
A white powdery growth appears on the leaf surface mostly confined to the upper surface but also found on the Lower surface and the stem. In severe Infections the leaves and stem dryoff And further growth of the plant is Arrested. Spray Sulfe 0.2% or Calixin 0.1% or Karathane 0.2% Bavistin at the rate of 1g/lit.
Mosaic virus
(Verri Tegulu)
The disease is characterized by the formation of streaks in the interveinal regions of the leaves. The entire plant may look stunted and sickly even from a distance. Under severe conditions the Plants show irregular, light and dark green Areas on leaves giving a mosaic appearance. i)Rouge out diseased plants.
ii)Spray any insecticide to control the vector.