Tuesday, October 9, 2012


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Rice (Oryza sativa)

Pest Management

Andhra Pradesh, Maharastra,Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Assam, Bihar, Gujarat, Haryana, Jammu & Kashmir, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, West Bengal, Orissa.

Leersia hexandra, Echinocloa colonum, Paspalum conjugatum, Ophismamenus burmanii, Oryza sativa var.fauta and Sacciolepis interrupta, Brachiaria mutica, Agropyron repens.

Destructive stage

Description of the pest
Larva is pale green transparent, actively moving caterpillar. The adult is orange brown moth with many dark wavy lines in the centre and dark band on the margin of wings.

The female moth lays eggs in batches of 10-12, which are arranged in linear row in the lower surface of leaves. The eggs are flat, oval in shape and yellowish white in colour. The egg period is 4-7 days. Larva is 15-20 mm long pale green transparent actively moving caterpillar. The larval period is 15-20 days. It pupates inside the leaf fold. The pupa is greenish brown. The pupal period is 6-8 days. Total life cycle: 25-35 days.

The caterpillar folds the leaves longitudinally and remains inside. It scrapes the green tissues of the leaves with in the field and makes them white and dry. Gradually the leaves dry up and change brown. During severe infestation the whole field exhibits scorched appearance.

10% damaged leaves - Vegetative stage, 5% damaged leaves (Flag leaf) - Flowering stage.

Use resistant varieties like TNAU LFR 831311, Cauveri, Akash, TKM-6, and IET 7511, IET 9225 and IET 9797. Clipping of affected leaves reduces the pest population. Keep the bunds clean by trimming them and remove the grassy weeds. Avoid use of excessive nitrogenous fertilizer. Set up light traps to attack and kill the moths. Release Trichogramma chilonis on 37, 44 and 51 DAT thrice followed by three sprays of monocrotophos 36 SL @ 1000 ml/ha on 58, 65 and 72 DAT. The application of indoxacarb @ 30g a.i per ha is effective against leaf folder. Spray neem seed kernel extract 5% @ 25 kg (or) fenifrothion 50 EC 1.01 (or) phasalone 35 EC 1.5 l (or) chlorpyriphos 20 EC 1.25 l/ha.

Natural Enemy
Egg parasitoids:Trichogramma japonicum, Trichogramma sp., Copidosomopsis nacolidae, Metioche vitticolis. Larval parasitoids: Goniozus triangulifer, Cotesia cypris, C.rufierus, Temelucha philippinesis, Macrocentrus philippinesis, Cardiochiles philippinesis, Trichogramma naphalocrosis, Blepharipa sp.,Theocarcelia oroulta. Pupal parasitoids: Xanthopimpla flvolineata, Tetrastichus ayyari, Brachymeria albotibialis, Charops bicolor, Ishnojoppa luteator. Predator: Conocephalus lividipennis, Paederus fuscipes (Staphylinidae), Ophionia indica (Carabidae), Andrallus spinidens. Pathogens: Beauveria bassiana, Metarhizium sp., Fusarium sp., Nomuraea sp., Zoophthora radicans Paecilomyces sp., Entomophthora sp., Pseudomonas sp., Bacillus sp., Granulosis virus.


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Rice (Oryza sativa)

Pest Management

Orissa, Kerala, Assam, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, West Bengal, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana and Punjab.

Leersia hexandra.

Destructive stage
Nymph and adult.

Description of the pest
Eggs are covered by the dome shaped egg plug secreted by the female. Only the tip of the eggs protrude from outside. The newly hatched nymph is cottony white and turns purple brown within an hour. The nymphs are white to strongly mottled dark grey or black and white in colour. The brown plant hopper has a brown body and chestnut brown eyes. Adult measures about 4 - 4.5 mm in length. It can fly a long distance drifting with the wind. Adults are of two forms viz., Macropterous (long winged) and brachypterous (truncate winged).

The brachypterous female makes an incision in the leaf sheath and inserts 200-300 small eggs. Egg period is 6 days; Nymphal period is 15 days. Adult longevity is 18-20 days.

Nymphs and adults congregate at the base of the plant above the water level and suck the sap from the tillers. The affected plant dries up and gives a scorched appearance called “hopper burn”. Circular patches of drying and lodging of matured plant are typical symptoms caused by this pest. It is vector of grassy stunt, ragged stunt and wilted stunt diseases.

10 insects per hill at vegetative stage or 20 insects /hill at later stages.

Use resistant varieties like Aruna, Karnataka, Karthika, Krishnaveni, Makon, Abhay, Asha, Divya, Py 3, Co 42, Ptb 33 and Ptb 21. Avoid close planting and provide 30 cm rogue spacing at every 2.5 m to reduce the pest incidence. Avoid use of excessive nitrogenous fertilizers. Control irrigation by intermittent draining. Set up light traps to monitor pest population and to control. Release of natural enemies like Lycosa pseudoannulata, Cyrtorhinus lividipennis. Avoid use of insecticides causing resurgence such as synthetic pyrethroids, methyl parathion, fenthion and quinalphos. Drain the water before the use of insecticides and direct the spray towards the base of the plants. Spray methyl demeton 25 EC 1000 ml (or) acephate 75 SP 625 gm (or) chlorpyriphos 25 EC 1250 ml (or) dichlorvos 76 WSC 350 ml/ha. Spray neem seed kernel extract 5% (25 kg/ha) (or) neem oil 2% (10 l/ha).

Natural Enemy
Egg parasitoids: Anagrus sp, Gonatocerus sp., Oligosita spp ., Nymphal/adult parasitoids: Haplogonatopus sp., Ecthrodelphax fairchildii., Elenchus sp (Sterpsiptera), Hexamermis sp (Mermithid). Predators:Cyrtorhinus lividipennis, Coccinella arcuata, Micraspis sp., Harmonia ctomaculata, C.rependa, Menochilus sexmaculatus, Brumoides suturalis, Microvelia douglasi atrolineata, Pseudogonatopus sp., Ophionea nigrofasciata, Lycosa pseudoannulata, Tetragnatha maxillosa, Argiope sp, Araneus sp, Oxyopes sp., Atypena formosana., Conocephalus longipennis, Agriocnemis pygmaea. Pathogens: Entomophthora spp, Fusarium sp., Fusarium oxysporum, Metarhizium spp, Beauveria bassiana, B.brongniartii.