Rice, unlike crops like maize, has not attained commercial crop status so far. Bringing down its cost of cultivation may give more relief to the farmers enhancing the margin of profit. Direct seeding is a way to cut down the cost of cultivation sizably.
Like other crops, rice also receives poor/limited attention in organic manuring. This is also taken cure of in this technology.
Rice and greenmanure (dhaincha) are sown onto puddle soil in alternate rows using the newly developed rice + greenmanure seeder. Depending upon the size of the seeder, 6 to 8 rows are sown. Rice to rice row spacing is 25 cm with dhaincha in between. The dhaincha is incorporated when it attains 40 cm height. To attain this height, it may take 27 to 30 or even a little over 30 days. The height is crucial as further growth may harm the associate rice upon incorporation due to higher biomass and relatively more woodiness.
Unlike transplanted rice, here the N in split into 4 doses and applied equally on 20 DAS, at incorporation of green manure, 50 and 70 DAS. Phosphorus and potash are applied basally. The green manure at 40 cm height is incorporated using conoweeder, which buries the weeds and green manure simultaneously.
This technology is not recommended during rainy season as falling raindrops may disperse the rice and green manure seed. Care on leveling is required. The seed rate: Rice: 90 kg ha-1 and dhaincha 40 � 45 kg ha-1. The grain yield is comparable with transplanted rice with basal incorporation of green manure at 6.25 t ha-1. Avoidance of separate cultivation of green manure, rice nursery and of transplanting is the key benefit bringing down the cost of cultivation by 2500 to Rs.3000 ha-1 depending upon the local wages, soil type etc.

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