Integrated Pest Management practice for Cotton
Practice for Cotton
A. Pests of National Significance
1. Insect Pests
1.1 American bollworm – (Helicoverpa armigera )
1.2 Whitefly (Bemisia tabaci ) – Vector for CLCuV
1.3 Jassid (Amrasca bigutella bigutella )
1.4 Tobacco caterpillar ( Spodoptera litura )
1.5 Spotted bollworm ( Earias vittella )
1.6 Thrips (Thrips tabaci)
1.7 Pink bollworm ( Pectinophora gossypiella )
2. Diseases
2.1 Cotton Leaf Curl Virus (CLCuV)
2.2 Blackarm / Angular leaf spot ( Xanthomonas campertris p.v. malvacearum )
2.3 Fusarium wilt ( Fusarium oxysporum f.sp vasinfectum )
2.4 Root rot ( Rhizoctonia spp )
3. Weeds
3.1 Burmuda grass (Cynodon dactylon )
3.2 Barnyard grass (Echinochloa spp )
3.3 Cowfoot grass (Dactylocterium aegytipum )
3.4 Signal grass (Brachiaria spp )
3.5 Torpedo grass (Panicum spp )
3.6 Purple nut sedge (Cyprus rotundus )
3.7 Coclebur (Xanthium strumarium )
3.8 Wild jute (Corchorus spp )
3.9 Cox comb (Celosia argentea )
3.10 Carpet weed (Trianthema spp. )
3.11 Purselane (Portulaca oleracea )
3.12 Netamundia (Tridax procumbens )
3.13 Field bind weed (Convolvulus arvensis )
Integrated Pest Management practice for Cotton
3.14 Velvet leaf (Abutilon sp.)
3.15 Sida (Sida sp.)
3.16 Spurge (Euphorbia spp.)
B. Pests of Regional Significance
1. Insect Pests
1.1 Termites (Odentotermes obesus) - Haryana , Punjab, M.P, Gujarat and Rajasthan
1.2 Aphid (Aphis gossypii) A.P., Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra
M.P., Gujarat
1.3 Spinny Bollworm (Earias insulana) - Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, Maharashtra
1.4 Shoot weevil (Alcidodea affaber) - Tamil Nadu , Karnataka , Gujarat
1.5 Stem Weevil (Pemphras stimis) - Tamil Nadu
2. Diseases
2.1 Grey mildew - T.N., Maharashtra, M.P., Gujarat
2.2 Alternaria leaf spot - Punjab, Haryana, A.P., Karnataka
2.3 Verticillium wilt(Verticillium dahliae ) - A.P., Karnataka and Tamil Nadu.
3. Nematodes
3.1 Reniform Nematode ( Rotylenchulus reniformis ) – Haryana, Punjab, Rajasthan,
Gujarat , M.P., & Maharashtra.
A. Agro Eco system Analysis ( AESA )
AESA is an approach, which can be gainfully employed by extension functionaries and
farmers to analyze field situations with regard to pests, defenders, soil conditions, plant health,
the influence of climatic factors and their interrelationship for growing healthy crop. Such a
critical analysis of the field situations will help in taking appropriate decision on management
practices. The basic components of AESA are:-
1. Plant health at different stages.
2. Built – in – compensation abilities of the plants.
3. Pest and defender population dynamics.
4. Soil conditions.
5. Climatic factors.
Integrated Pest Management practice for Cotton
B. Survey / Field Scouting
The objective of surveys through roving surveys is to monitor the initial development of
pests and diseases in endemic areas. Therefore, in the beginning of crop season survey
routes based upon the endemic areas are required to be identified to undertake roving
surveys. Based upon the results of the roving surveys, the State extension functionaries
have to concentrate for greater effort at Block and village levels as well as through farmers
to initiate field scouting. Therefore, for field scouting farmers should be mobilized to
observe the pest and disease occurrence at the intervals as stipulated hereunder. The
plant protection measures are required to be taken only when pests and disease cross
ETL as per result of field scouting.
Roving survey :- Undertake roving survey at every 10 km distance initially at weekly
intervals and thereafter at 10 days intervals (depending upon pest population). Record
incidence of bollworms on all host crops of the locality. Observe at each spot diagonally
criss cross 20 plants/acre at random. Record the population potential of different biocontrol
fauna. Record the major disease and their intensity.
Field scouting :- Field scouting for pests and biocontrol fauna by extension
agencies and farmers once in 3 – 5 days should be undertaken to workout ETL. For
sucking pests, population should be counted on three leaves (top & middle portion) per
plant. For whitefly, third and seventh leaves from the top of the plant should be observed
for nymphs and adults. For bollworm eggs terminal leaves should be observed. Observe
larvae on fruiting bodies and leaves per plant. For percent bollworm incidence count total
and affected fruiting bodies on the plant and also in the shed material and work out the
percent infestation.
The State Departments of Agriculture should make all possible efforts by using different
media, mode and publicity to inform the farmers for field scouting in the specific crop areas
having indication of pest or disease build up.
C. Pest Monitoring through Pheromones / Yellow Pan / Sticky Traps etc.
Certain pests require positioning of various kinds of traps like pheromones, yellow pan,
sticky traps to monitor the initial pest build up. Therefore, the State Department of
Agriculture is to initiate action for positioning of different kinds of traps based upon the
results of roving surveys at the strategic location at village level. While the concept needs
to be popularized amongst farming community, the State Department of Agriculture is to
Integrated Pest Management practice for Cotton
take greater initiatives for pest monitoring through specific pheromone trapping methods
as per following details.
Pheromone trap – monitoring :- Use pheromone traps for monitoring of American
bollworm, spotted bollworms, pink bollworm and Spodoptera. Install pheromone traps at a
distance of 50 m @ five traps per ha. for each insect pest. Use specific lures for each
insect pest species and change it after every 15 – 20 days. Trapped moths should be
removed daily. ETL for pink bollworm is 8 months per days per trap consecutively for 3
days. ETL for American bollworm is 4 – 5 moth per day per trap.
Yellow pan / sticky traps :- Set up yellow pan / sticky traps for monitoring whitefly @ 25
yellow pans / sticky traps per ha. Locally available empty yellow palmoline tins coated with
grease / vasline / castor oil on outer surface may also be used.
D. Economic Threshold Levels ( ETLs )
Based upon the result of survey / field scouting etc., the extension functionaries are to
determine the ETLs for different pests to advice farmers to initiate pest management
practices accordingly. The ETLs for major pests are as under :-
Insect pest ETL
1. American & Spotted bollworm 5 % damaged fruiting bodies or 1 larva per plant or
total 3 damaged square / plant taken from 20 plants
selected at random for counting.
2. Pink bollworm 8 moths / trap per day for 3 consecutive days or 10
% infested flowers or bolls with live larvae.
3. Spodoptera 1 egg mass or skeletinized leaf / 10 plant.
4. Jassids * 2 jassids or nymphs per leaf or appearance of
second grade jassid injury. (yellowing in the margins
of the leaves )
5. Whitefly * 5 – 10 nymphs or adults per leaf before 9 AM.
6. Aphids 10 % affected plants counted randomly.
7. Thrips * 5 – 10 thrips / leaf
8. Nematode 1 -2 larvae per gm of soil
*3 leaves (top, middle, bottom) per plants from 10 plants
E. Insecticide Resistance Management ( IRM ) of Helicoverpa
For the last few years, incidences of insecticide resistance in Helicoverpa have been reported
on important crops like cotton and pigeon pea in some parts of the country. Extension
functionaries should get in touch with the experts of respective State Agricultural Universities
for mapping such areas. Wherever the scientific input is available about occurrence of
Integrated Pest Management practice for Cotton
insecticide resistance in Helicoverpa the areas should be very clearly demarcated. During the
course of surveys and also in advising farmers about Helicoverpa management strategies,
utmost care need to be taken “NOT TO ADVOCATE” the pesticide for which resistance has
been reported in specific areas. Most of the cases of such resistance have been recorded
from Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Haryana and Punjab against synthetic pyrethroids,
especially Cypermethrin. The best – bet Insecticide Resistance Management (IRM) window
strategy for cotton pests including Helicopverpa is given in Annexure – IV.
A. Cultural Practices
Summer deep ploughing to expose soil inhabiting / resting stages of insects,
pathogen and nematode population.
Growing cotton after cotton should be avoided. Adopt proper crop rotation.
Select healthy seeds of resistant / tolerant varieties ( Annexure – II )
Only certified seeds should be used.
Acid delinting treatment should be followed before sowing @ one litre commercial
sulphuric acid for 10 kg. seeds.
Seed treatment to control soil and seed borne diseases should be followed.
Trichoderma spp. @ 4 g / kg . or Captan 3 g / kg of seed or carbendazim 2 g / kg
seed. In North Zone dipping of seeds in streptocycline 0.01 % in black arm endemic
areas is recommended.
Seed treatment with imidachloprid 70 WS * @ 5 g / kg of seed in case of non –
hybrid variety and 10 g / kg in case of hybrid or Thiomethoxam 5 g / kg seed or
carbosulfan 25 DS @ 50 gms / kg of seeds for early sucking pests. After insecticide
seed treatment Trichoderma or fungicide treatment can be undertaken.
Sowing should be done timely within 10 to 15 days in a village or block in the
season. Early sowing in Northern region sowing should be completed by first week of
Adopt proper spacing, irrigation and fertilizer management. Avoid application of high
nitrogenous fertilizers to boot the crop. Use neem cake with oil content @ 5 quintal /
ha in termite / nematode infested fields.
The crop should be maintained weed free for at least 8 – 9 weeks after sowing till
canopy stars closing in by timely inter – culture. A hoeing in between crop rows is to
be given 18 – 20 days after emergence of cotton seedlings to control primary
perennial weeds.
Remove and destroy weeds as alternate hosts viz. Sida sp., Abutilon sp., Logascae
mollis and other malvaceous plants in the cultivated area.
Integrated Pest Management practice for Cotton
The following inter – cropping system is recommended for Central and South Zone to
colonize the bioagents fauna such as lady bird beetles, chrysopa and syrphid flies :
· Cotton + Cowpea,
· Cotton + Soybean.
· Cotton + Groundnut
· Cotton + Pulses ( Green gram / Black gram )
Use of trap crops like okra, Canabinus, castor, marigold (Tagets), early Pigeon pea,
coriander, jowar, maize crops is recommended. Insects feeding on these crops must
be removed and destroyed.
Do not extend the normal crop period and avoid rationings.
Grazing by animals after last picking is recommended for checking the carry over
population of bollworms.
Remove and make use of crop residues after last picking as FYM or in Paper
Staking the cotton stalks near the field should be avoided. Destroy opened bolls on
the plant.
Crushing of cotton seeds should be completed by early April in North Zone.
Otherwise fumigate the seeds by the end of May under expert supervision.
Clean the gin thrashers for checking of carry over population of pink bollworm. Install
pink bollworm pheromone traps in the premises of ginning factories to trap emerging
pink bollworm moths.
B. Mechanical Practices
Hand picking and destruction of various insect stages, affected plant parts and
rosetted flowers.
Clipping of terminal shoots on 90 – 110 days of crop growth depending upon
C. Biocontrol Practices
1. Seed treatment :
Seed treatment with Trichoderma spp. @ 4 gm per kg. of seed after acid delinting for
soil and seed borne diseases.
2. Conservation :
Conservation of predators (lacewings, lady bird beetles, staphy linids, predatory
wasps, surface bugs like Geocoris, Anthocorid, Nabids, Reduviids, Spiders,
parasitoids like Apanteles, Bracon, Rogas, Agathis, Campoletis, Eriborus,
Integrated Pest Management practice for Cotton
Trichogramma, Telenomu by growing two rows of maize / sorghum or cowpea along
the border
Collection of Spodoptera egg masses and putting them in perforated cage.
Install 8 – 10 bird perches per ha. for the benefit of predatory birds after 90 days of
crop growth like black drango, king crow, orange Myna and Blue jay.
3. Augmentation :
Monitor the incidence of sucking pests and release eggs or first instar larvae of
Chruysoperla @ 10,000 eggs / grubs / ha. Observe the incidence of bollworms either
by visual observation or by using pheromone @ 5 traps/ha. specific for each
bollworm species. Release Trichogramma chilonis (cotton strain) immediately after
the appearance of bollworm eggs (when moth activity is observed) @ 1,50,000/ - ha
/ week (2–3 releases) 40 – 50 days after sowing. Avoid spraying with insecticides for
at least one week before and after the release of biocontrol agents.
Apply Spodoptera NPV 250 – 500 LE/ha (1LE = 2X10 POBs) (1LE /lit of water) on
observing 1st Instar larvae. HNPV @ 250 LE can be applied in the early infestation
of Helicoverpa. Howerver, HNPV is found to be more effective in Ravi hosts and its
application on ravi crop is advisable to minimize the carry over population.
Entomopathogenic fungi such as Metarhizium anisopliae, Beauveria bassiana and
Nomurea rileyi can be used against Helicoverpa.
D. Chemical Control Measures
Need based, judicious and safe application of pesticides are the most vital tripartite
segments of chemical control measures under the ambit of IPM. It involves
developed IPM skills to play safe with environment by proper crop health monitoring,
observing ETL and conserving natural biocontrol potential before deciding in favour
of use of chemical pesticides as last resort. Therefore, it is necessary to rely upon
pesticides as per the list in Annexure – II.
Following suggestions have important bearings for the success of control measures in the
context of IPM strategy:
Avoid mixing of two or more insecticides / tank mixing.
Repeated application of same insecticide should be avoided.
Avoid using insecticides such as pyrethroids which result in resurgence of sucking
Use neem based formulations.
Use selective insecticides (Endosulfan) during early fruiting phase of crop growth.
Alternate with various chemical groups (Cyclodine, Organophosphates, Carbamates,
Pyrethroids and insect growth regulator).
Integrated Pest Management practice for Cotton
Pyrethroids usage should be restricted to twice (1-2) in the cropping period
depending on the incidence of spotted and pink bollworms.
Proper spray equipments should be used :
1. Knapsack sprayer in the early stage of crop growth. Tractor mounted sprayers
are recommended in the North Zone in early vegetative and fruiting phase of
2. Power sprayer in the later stages of crop growth.
3. Discourage using undescriptive and inefficient sprayers and also CDA sprayers.
Use proper spray volume for unit area :
E. Cotton Leaf Curl Virus Disease Management
Cultivation of susceptible varieties in the established endemic area should be
immediately discouraged.
Quarantine measures must be implemented to restrict movement of diseased plants
and its parts.
Removal of weeds, which are alternate host of B. tabaci from the fields.
Avoid growing bhindi, cucurbetaceous, solanaceous and other alternate host crops in
cotton growing tracts.
Avoid growing cotton crop near citrus orchards. Grow resistant varieties near
Select any of the following resistant varieties such as RS – 875, LHH – 144, RS –
810, RS 2013, F – 1861, H – 1098, Ankur – 651 and whitegold. All desi cotton
varieties are resistant to leaf curl virus. Grow desi cotton varieties in the host spot /
endemic areas.
Excessive use of nitrogenous fertilizers should be avoided.
Use yellow traps for mass trapping of whitefly populations.
Following insecticides may be used to manage the whitefly populations.
1. Seed treatment as given in the Annexure – II
2. Acetamiprid 30 – 40 gram a.i. / ha ; Thiomethoxam 25 gram a.i / ha
3. Imidachloprid 25 gram ai / ha.
4. NHKE 5 % or Neem formulation ( 1500 ppm ) 2.5 lit / ha.
5. Triazophos 40 EC 1.5 litre / ha.
Avoid use of synthetic pyrethroids when whitefly population exists.
While spraying, ensure thorough coverage of the lower surface of cotton leaves for
effective control of whitefly.
Integrated Pest Management practice for Cotton
F. Weed Management practices :
Preventive Measures
Summer deep plouging during May / June to expose and destroy the underground
vegetative parts of the deep rooted perennial weeds. The field should be kept
exposed to sun at least for 2 – 3 weeks.
Follow recommended agronomic practices for land preparation, stubble
management, seed rate, sowing time, fertilizer and irrigation management etc. so as
to have a desirable crop stand.
The crop should be maintained weed free initially for 8 – 9 weeks after sowing by
resorting timely inter – culture and hand weedings.
Control Measures
Smoothering of weeds by mulching with straw / plastic sheets etc.
Use power of hand operated implements for maintaining crop weeed free for initial 8
– 9 weeks DAS.
Pre – emergence application of pendimethalin (0.75 to 1.25 kg a.i/ha) or alachlor (
2.0 – 2.5 kg a.i/ha) or diuron ( 0.75 to 1.5 kg a.i./ha ) or trifluralin ( 0.96 to 1.2 kg
a.i/ha) or pre – plant incorporation of fluchloralin ( 0.9 to 1.2 kg a.i/ha) control both
types of weeds effectively.
At post emergence stage (1.5 to 30 DAS ) Paraquate @ 0.3 – 0.5 lit. a.i/ha may be
applied as direct spray.
G. Nematode management practices for endemic areas :
Deep summer ploughing to expose inhabiting nematodes.
Remove and destroy crop residues.
Application of neem cake.
H. Other Precautions :
1. Seed Treatment
For seed dressing, use either metal seed dresser / earthen pots or polythene
After seed treatment, do not open lid / cover of the polybag / earthen pot
immediately to avoid inhalation of pesticide / fungicide.
Do not use left over treated seeds either for human consumption or as animal
Integrated Pest Management practice for Cotton
2. Cautions during spraying
If operator feels giddiness, uneasy, he must discontinue spraying / dusting at
Operator should not spray / dust more than 4 hours at a stretch in a day.
Operator should not take upon spray / dusting work with empty stomach.
IPM for Bt. Cotton
For sucking pest control seed treatment with insecticides already identified may
be given
If the hybrids are susceptible to sucking pests spray should be given on ETL.
Spray against Spodoptera should be given as and when ETL crossed with the
identified insecticides. Egg masses and gregarious larvae should be picked and
S.No Crop stage / pest Method Stage-wise IPM Practices
1. Pre-sowing
1. Deep plough in summer.
2. Removal of alternate hosts.
3. Avoid cotton after cotton.
4. Adopt crop rotation.
2. At sowing
Soil & seed borne
Cultural practice 1. Select tolerant / resistant cultivars.
2. Use certified seeds.
Chemical practices 3. Acid delinting treatment for seeds.
4. Seed treatment with fungicides.
5. Seed dipping in antibiotic in black arm endemic areas.
Sucking pests Cultural practice 1. Early sowing
2. Adopt recommended spacing & fertilization
Chemical practice 1. Seed treatment with insecticides.
Weeds Chemical practice 1. Use pre-emergence/post emergence herbicides.
3. Vegetative growth stage (20 – 50 days)
Weeds Cultural practice 1. Gap filling and thinning.
2. Inter culture and hand weeding.
Sucking pest Cultural practice 1. Check population on trap crops & inter crops.
Biological control 1. Release of Chrysoperla grubs @ 10,000/ha.
2. Spray neem products for whitefly.
Chemical control 3. If pest persists spray recommended insecticides.
Shoot borer
(Earias sp.)
Mechanical control 1. Crushing of larvae in the shoots mechanically.
Bollworms Monitoring 1. Set pheromone traps.
Whitefly Monitoring 1. Fix yellow sticky traps.
Diseases Cultural practices 1. Remove & destroy root rot affected plants.
Integrated Pest Management practice for Cotton
4. Early fruiting stage (50 – 80 days )
Weeds Mechanical
1. Inter culturing & hand weeding.
Sucking pest Cultural practice 1. Management of trap crops & inter crops.
Biological practice 2. Release Chrysoperla @ 10,000 /ha.
Bollworms Monitoring 1. Use pheromone traps and change lures.
Cultural practice 2. Management of population in trap crops.
Biological practice 3. Release of Trichogramma @ 1.5 lac/ha.
4. Set up bird perchers.
Chemical practice 5. Window strategy of IRM should be followed.
Whitefly Monitoring 1. Use yellow sticky traps
Biological practice 2. Use neem products.
CLCV Disease Mechanical
1. Destroy affected plants.
Chemical practice 2. Spray recommended chemical for vector control.
5. Peak flowering & fruiting stage (80 -120 days )
Whitefly Monitoring 1. Use yellow sticky traps.
Biological practice 2. Spray neem products.
Chemical practice 3. Spray triazophos/acephate/acetamprid.
Bollworms Monitoring 1. Use pheromone traps
2. Collection & destruction of damaged floral bodies.
3. Collection of grown up larvae under destruction.
Biological control 4. Use Ha. NPV @ 250 – 500 LE/ha.
5. Use neem products.
Cultural practice 6. Removal of terminals (topping) is to be done.
Chemical practice 7. Recommended window strategy of IRM should be
Spodoptera Monitoring 1. Use pheromone traps.
2. Hand collection & destruction of egg masses & early
instar larvae.
Biological practice 3. Spray Spodoptera NPV in evening hours.
Chemical practice 4. Spray recommended insecticides.
5. Adopt poison baiting technique.
Whitefly Monitoring 1. Yellow sticky traps.
Biological practice 2. Spray neem products.
Chemical practice 3. Spray recommended insecticides.
CLCV disease Mechanical
1. Destruction of CLCV affected plants.
Chemical practice 2. Spray recommended insecticides for vector control.
Black arm disease Chemical practice 1. Spray recommended chemical (antibiotics)
6. Boll opening stage (120 -150 days)
Whitefly Monitoring 1. Use yellow sticky traps.
Biological practice 2. Spray neem products.
Bollworms Chemical practice 3. Need based application of recommended insecticides.
Cultural practice 1. Don’t extend the crop period.
2. Use monitoring device.
3. Collection and destruction of damaged parts & grown
up larvae.
Integrated Pest Management practice for Cotton
Chemical practice 4. Spray recommended insecticide alternatively using
different groups with power sprayers.
Mites Chemical practice 1. Use recommended acaricides.
CLCV disease Mechanical
1. Destruction of CLCV infected plants.
Black arm Chemical practice 1. Spray recommended chemicals.
Wilt Chemical practice 1. Spot application of chemicals.
7. After last picking of cotton
1. Allow grazing by animals.
2. Remove and destroy crop residue.
3. Avoid stacking of the cotton stalks near the fields.
Destroy the opened bolls if any on the plant before
4. Crushing of cotton seeds to be completed by April
5. Fumigation of seeds may be undertaken with expert
6. Clean the Gins thrashers to check PBW population.
Install PBW traps in ginneries.
Integrated Pest Management practice for Cotton
Do’s Don’ts
Grow only recommended variety /
Do not grow under script materials which
vary greatly in fruiting pattern and pest
Agronomic Practices
Sowing time : Prefer to show the crop
from mid May for North Zone and up to
30th June for South and Central Zone.
Judicious use of fertilizers : Always use
recommended NPK fertilizers in
balanced proportion based on soil
testing report.
Uproot and destroy the weeds like Sida
sp., Abution indicum and Xenthium sp.
Before sowing of the cotton crop to
reduce the initial build up of bollworm,
whitefly and CLCV disease.
Rouge the plan nfested with CLCV
regularly during vegetative phase.
Avoid late sowing of the crop because
yields are considerably reduced in late
Avoid overuse of Nittrogen fertilizer as
crop becomes more susceptible to pest
and diseases.
Do not use under, over or imbalanced
fertilizer application which might result in
poor plant health and reduced resistance
to various insect pests and diseases.
Pest Management
Regular Surveillance : Ensure regular
scouting / monitoring for timely
detection of economic threshold values
which are required for need based
application of control measures against
different insect pests.
Selection of effective pesticides and its
dosages at right stage :
Use only recommended pesticides at
the recommended dosages for the
control of various pests.
Spray technology : Always follow the
recommended spray technology using
adequate spray of material.
Use recommended pesticides
Do not keep the CLCV infested plants in
the field to check the further spread of the
Do not go for blanket sprays without field
Do not use un recommended mixtures of
various insecticides in any case.
Do not use in insecticide at lesser / over
dosages than the recommendation
All these can lead to :
a) Chemical control failure
b) Quick development of resistance
among insect pests to various
c) Resurgence of pests like whitefly.
d) Induction of secondary pest problems
like leaf spots.
e) Economical waste and contamination
of the environment.
Do not use substandard nozzles with high
discharge rate which lead to poor
coverage of the target site.
Do not use those pesticides which are not
recommended. The date expired
pesticides should not be used.
Do not purchase insecticides without bills
and this information on batch number.
Weed Management
A deep polughing is to be done on
bright sunny days during the months of
Do not plank or irrigate the field after
ploughing, at least for 2.3 weeks to allow
Integrated Pest Management practice for Cotton
May or June. The field should be kept
exposed to sun light at least for 2 – 3
Maintain optimum and healthy crop
stand which would be capable of
competing with weeds at a critical stage
of crop – weed competition.
Pre – emergence herbicides should be
applied immediately after sowing before
emergence of weeds and crop.
Herbicides like fluchloralin should be
incorporated in to soil immediately after
spraying to avoid its photodegradation.
Apply only recommended herbicides at
recommended dose, proper time,
appropriate spray solution with
standard equipment along with flat fan
or flat jet nozzles.
desiccation of weed’s bulbs / or rhizomes
of perennial weeds.
Less seed rate of crops should not be
Crops should not be exposed to moisture
stress at their critical growth stages.
Pre emergence herbicides should not be
applied after emergences of crop and / or
weeds as they will not control the
germinated weeds as well as may cause
phytotoxicity to the crop.
Soil incorporation of fluchloralin should
not be delayed or avoided for achieving
effective weed control.
Pre – emergence as well soil incorporated
herbicides should not be applied in dry
Herbicides should not be applied along
with irrigation water or by mixing with soil,
sand or urea.
The spray equipment including nozzles
used for herbicides application should not
be used for insecticides or fungicides
application to avoid possible phytotoxicity
to crop.
Integrated Pest Management practice for Cotton
Annexure – I
Zone wise
Pest / Disease – Wise
Jassids Bikaneri Nerma, ABH – 466, H – 777, G.cot – 12, G-cot 10,
RS – 875, RST – 9, F – 5 – 5, Fateh, RS 2063
White fly Supriya, Kanchana, LK – 861, RS – 875, Rs – 2013
Nematode Bikaneri Nerma, Khandwa 2
Verticillium wilt MCU – 5T, Surabhi
Fusarium wilt DB – 3 – 12, Ak – 145, Sanjay, Digvijaya, G.cot – 11,
G.cot -13 , LD – 327, PA – 32
Bollworms LH – 900, F – 414, Abadita, RS – 2013
Root rot LH – 900
Leaf curl virus All desi cottons, RS – 875, RS 810, RS 2013 LHH – 144,
LRA – 5166, LRK – 516, Gk - 515
North Zone Bikaneri Nerma, LH 900, F 414, F 505, H 777, RST– 9, LD–327,
RG–8, LH –1134, LH–886, F–846, F–1054, RS–875, LRA –5166,
LRK–516, LHH–144, RS–875, RS–810, RS–2013
Central Zone Eknath, Purnima, Y -1, Malgari, Khandwa–2, Badnawar–1,
G-cot –12, Jaydhar, NHH–1, NHH– 44, AKO–81, LRK 516
South Zone MCU– 5VT, Supriya, Abhadita, LK–861
Integrated Pest Management practice for Cotton
Annexure – II
Dosage Stage of Crop
(g a.i/ha )
Jassids / Aphids / Thrips
Neem products (1500 ppm ) 2.5 lit / ha Early phase of crop growth
Oxydemeton methyl 25 EC 300 Early phase of crop growth
Phoshamidon 85 WSC 200 Early phase of crop growth
Acephate 75 SP 290 Above 60 days
Monocrotophos 36 SL 350-600 Above 60 days
Acetamiprid 15
Imidacloprid 25
Thiomethoxam 25
Neem products (1500 ppm ) 2.5 lit
Triazophos 40 EC 600 – 800
Acetamiprid 30 – 40
Imidacloprid 25
Thiomethoxam 25
Neem products ( 1500 ppm ) 2.5 lit 40 – 60 day
Endosulfan 65 EC 35 EC 875 – 1050 40 – 60 day
Phosalone 65 EC 35 EC 700 – 900 40 – 60 day
Quinalphos 20 A F 500 – 700 During fruiting stages
Chlorpyriphos 20 EC 500 – 700 During fruiting stages
Profenofos 50 EC 1000 – 1250 During fruiting stages
Thiodicharb 75 SP 500 During fruiting stages
Deltamethrin 2.8 EC 10 – 12.5
Alphamethrin 10 EC 15 – 25 Above 75 days only
Cypermethrin 10 EC 40 – 60 once or twice in the
Fenvalerate 20 EC 75 – 100 cropping period
Indoxcarb 75
Deltamethrin tablet 0.5 25 tablet / ha (12.5g a.i / ha)
Lambdacyhalothrin 5 EC 15 g a.i / ha
Spinosad 48 SC 50 – 75
Trizophos 40 EC 600 – 800
Novaluron 609 g / ha
Integrated Pest Management practice for Cotton
Spodoptera & Others
Chlorpyriphos 20 EC 500
Quinalphos 20 AF 500
Diflubenzuron 50 WP 75 For early instars only
Poison bait using
Monocrotophos 36 SL 250 – 500 Early & grown up larvae
Seed Dresser
Imidacloprid 70 WS 5 – 10 g /kg of seed Early sucking pests
Carbosulfan 20 SP 20 gm / kg of seed Early sucking pests
Thiomethoxam 70 WS 5 g / kg
Acetamiprid 20 SP 20 g / kg
Soil Insecticides
Carbofuron 3 G 750 Early sucking pests
Phorate 10 G 1000 Early sucking pests
(+) as and when registered
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Direct Paddy Seeder
Direct Paddy Seeder is for sowing germinated paddy seed directly in wetland field. There is no need for tranDireDirect Paddy Seeder is for sowing germinated paddy seed directly in wetland field. There is no need for transplantation. It is a manually pulled implement. It covers 8 rows of 20cm row-to-row spacing at a time. It is made up of plastic materials.
Salient Features:
· Labour cost is redused drastically
· Uniformity in seed sowing and Plant population
· Continuous drilling of seeds is eliminated.
· Reduction in seed rate and thinning cost.
· Crop matures 7-10 days earlier than the transplanted paddy
· Light in weight and easy to handle
· An area of 1 hectare per day can be shownct Paddy Seeder is for sowing germinated paddy seed directly in wetland field. There is no need for transplantation. It is a manually pulled implement. It covers 8 rows of 20cm row-to-row spacing at a time. It is made up of plastic materials.
Salient Features:
· Labour cost is redused drastically
· Uniformity in seed sowing and Plant population
· Continuous drilling of seeds is eliminated.Direct Paddy Seeder is for sowing germinated paddy seed directly in wetland field. There is no need for transplantation. It is a manually pulled implement. It covers 8 rows of 20cm row-to-row spacing at a time. It is made up of plastic materials.

Salient Features:
· Labour cost is redused drastically
· Uniformity in seed sowing and Plant population
· Continuous drilling of seeds is eliminated.
· Reduction in seed rate and thinning cost.
· Crop matures 7-10 days earlier than the transplanted paddy
· Light in weight and easy to handle
· An area of 1 hectare per day can be shown
· Reduction in seed rate and thinning cost.
· Crop matures 7-10 days earlier than the transplanted paddy
· Light in weight and easy to handle
· An area of 1 hectare per day can be shownsplantation. It is a manually pulled implement. It covers 8 rows of 20cm row-to-row spacing at a time. It is made up of plastic materials.
Salient Features:
· Labour cost is redused drastically
· Uniformity in seed sowing and Plant population
· Continuous drilling of seeds is eliminated.
· Reduction in seed rate and thinning cost.
· Crop matures 7-10 days earlier than the transplanted paddy
· Light in weight and easy to handle
· An area of 1 hectare per day can be shown
Friday, July 15, 2011
Rice production and processing
Rice goes through a lot before it finally reaches your dinner plate (or bowl). This page discusses the varied rice environments where rice is grown, how rice is typically grown, and the importance of growing rice.
Access more information by clicking on the links provided for each topic. More in-depth material can be found on theRice Knowledge Bank.
Rice can be grown in a wide range of locations and climates. In particular, rice is most closely associated with South, Southeast, and East Asia, where 90% of the world's rice is produced (about 640 million tons).
It is grown in the wettest areas in the planet to the driest deserts. It is cultivated in relatively warm places to areas of considerable cold. Rice is produced at sea level on coastal plains and in areas near river deltas to the heights of the Himalayas.
Rice is grown in more than a hundred countries with a total harvested area of nearly 160 million hectares, producing more than 700 million tons every year.
There are primarily four ecosystems where rice is grown: irrigated, rainfed lowland, upland, and flood-prone. Each of these environments has its own ideal growing conditions, as well as limiting factors.

The irrigated rice environment accounts for about half of the harvested rice area and contributes 75% of global rice production. Because water is available for most part of the year, farmers can grow rice all year long. That means they can grow two (or even three) crops per year.
Worldwide, about 80 million hectares of rice are grown under irrigated areas. High-yielding areas of irrigated rice can be found in China, Egypt, Japan, Indonesia, Vietnam, the Republic of Korea, and the Senegal River Valley in Africa.
The main factors that limit the yield in such areas include poor management of production inputs, losses from weeds, pests, and diseases, inadequate land formation, levelling, and irrigation water, and inadequate drainage that may lead to a buildup of salinity and alkalinity.

About 60 million hectares of rainfed lowlands supply about 20% of the world’s rice production. Adverse climate, poor soils, and a lack of suitable modern technologies keep farmers from being able to increase productivity.
Majority of lands in this ecosystem face different risks as compared to irrigated environments, and as such require different rice varieties and management strategies.

This rice environment can be found in low-lying valley bottoms to undulating and steep sloping lands with high runoff and lateral water movement. In many places, including Indonesia, the Philippines, Southwest China, and Brazil, upland rice may be intercropped with maize. Also, some upland rice fields are frequently bunded in areas with scarce water. Upland rice is grown under dryland conditions in mixed farming systems without irrigation and without puddling.
Although factors that limit yield in upland areas are numerous, the most severe biological constraint are weeds, followed by blast disease and brown spot.

In these environments, rice yields are low and extremely variable because of problem soils and unpredictable combinations of drought and flood. Deepwater rice and floating rice are mainly grown on the floodplains and deltas of rivers such as Bangladesh, the Irrawaddy of Myanmar, the Mekong of Vietnam and Cambodia, the Chao Phraya of Thailand, and the Niger of West Africa. Flooding occurs in the later stages of plant growth and can last for several months.
RELATED: See an interactive map of different information on rice like distribution, land use, etc.
Rice goes through a series of processes before finally reaching your dinner table. Rice production can generally be divided into the following stages:
- Seed selection
- Land preparation
- Crop establishment
- Water management
- Nutrient management
- Pest management
- Harvesting
- Postharvest
RELATED: Visit the Rice Knowledge Bank for more in depth information on the good agricultural practices for irrigated rice and rainfed rice environments.
Seed is a living product that must be grown, harvested and processed correctly to maximize its viability and subsequent crop productivity. For the yield potential of any rice variety to be realized, good quality seed must be sown.
Good seed is pure (of the chosen variety), full and uniform in size, viable (more than 80% germination with good seedling vigor), and free of weed seeds, seed-borne diseases, pathogens, insects, or other matter.
Using good seed leads to lower seeding rates, higher crop emergence (more than 70%), reduced replanting, more uniform plant stands, and more vigorous early crop growth. Vigorous growth in early stages reduces weed problems and increases crop resistance to insect pests and diseases.
VIDEO: Seed sorting by flotation
The land to be planted is prepared to place the soil in the best physical condition for crop growth and to ensure that the soil surface is level. This is done using manual labor, with the use of animals of burden, or farm machinery.
Land preparation typically involves plowing, harrowing, and leveling the field to make it suitable for crop establishment. Draft animals, such as buffalo and oxen, 2-wheel tractors or 4-wheel tractors can all be used as power sources in land preparation. The initial soil tillage can also be performed with a rotovator instead of a plow.
The two main practices in establishing the rice plant is through direct seeding and transplanting.
In direct seeding, dry seed or pre-germinated seeds and seedlings are broadcast by hand or planted by machine. This is usually done in rainfed and deepwater ecosystems.
On the other hand, transplanting—transferring pre-germinated seedlings from seedbed to field—requires less seed but much more labor. This method also serves as a means of weed control.
Cultivated rice has a semi-aquatic ancestry. It is for this fact that rice is extremely sensitive for water shortage. To ensure sufficient water, most rice farmers aim to maintain flooded conditions in their field. This is especially true for lowland rice. Naturally, water management practices will vary depending on the environment.
Land preparation for flooded soils consumes more than a third of the total water required for growing rice in an irrigated production system. High water loss during land preparation is caused by water flowing through cracks in the soil.
Seepage and percolation flows from rice fields are major pathways of water loss. A rice field can be compared with a bath tub: The material of a bath tub is impregnable and it holds water well. However, water can run out immediately from even one hole, such as with removing the plug of a bath tub. Rice fields with only a few rat holes or leaky spots will rapidly loose water by seepage and percolation. Thorough puddling results in a good compacted plow pan that reduces percolation rates throughout the crop growing period. The efficacy of puddling in reducing percolation depends greatly on soil properties.
Ensuring that the rice plant gets the exact nutrients it needs to grow is of great importance. This is because each growth stage of the rice plant has specific nutrient needs.
Site-specific nutrient management (SSNM) provides scientific principles for optimally supplying rice with essential nutrients. It enables rice farmers to tailor nutrient management to the specific conditions of their field, and it provides a framework for nutrient best management practices for rice.
The rice plant has a wide array of ‘enemies’ in the field. These include rodents, harmful insects, viruses, etc. Each of these pests and diseases are controlled using specific strategies.
Understanding the interactions among pests, natural enemies, host plants, other organisms and the environment improves pest management decisions. Understanding the ecological factors that allow pests to adapt and thrive in a particular ecosystem will help to identify weak links in the pests' life cycle and factors that can be manipulated to manage them.
Depending on the variety, a rice crop usually reaches maturity at around 115-120 days after crop establishment. The harvesting activity includes cutting, stacking, handling, threshing, cleaning, and hauling. It is important to apply good harvesting methods to be able to maximize grain yield, and minimize grain damage and deterioration.
Harvesting can be done manually using sickles and knives, or mechanically with the use of threshers or combine harvesters. Regardless of the method, a number of guidelines should be followed to ensure that good grain quality is preserved during harvest operations and harvest losses are kept to minimum.
After harvest, the rice grain undergoes a number of processes depending on how it will be used. Such methods include, drying, storing, milling, and processing.
Drying is the process that reduces grain moisture content to a safe level for storage. Drying is the most critical operation after harvesting a rice crop. Delays in drying, incomplete drying or ineffective drying will reduce grain quality and result in losses.The purpose of any grain storage facility is to prevent grain loss from weather, moisture, rodents, birds, insects and micro-organisms.
Milling is a crucial step in post-production of rice. The basic objective of a rice milling system is to remove the husk and the bran layers, and produce an edible, white rice kernel that is sufficiently milled and free of impurities. Depending on the requirements of the customer, the rice should have a minimum of broken kernels.
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